Blount County Arts and Crafts Guild
Maryville and surrounding area, East Tennessee
A Non-profit Organization
Blount County Arts and Crafts Guild
Maryville and surrounding area, East Tennessee
A Non-profit Organization
Maryville and surrounding area, East Tennessee
A Non-profit Organization
Maryville and surrounding area, East Tennessee
A Non-profit Organization
The Blount County Arts and Crafts Guild (BCACG) in Maryville TN was founded in 1964 and continues growing today.
It is a non-profit organization.
The Crafts Guild is open to all adult residents (over the age of 18) of our community
who enjoy learning and sharing their creativity.
Monthly meetings help members grow in their knowledge of arts and crafts. Sharing of ideas and new techniques from members and outside speakers sparks creativity for all.
Meetings are held once per month. (except June and July) . Most member meetings feature a guest speaker, demonstrations, member "show & tells", and other items of interest to our members.
Guests are welcome -- we invite you to visit.
Meetings are held at: Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, 429 Sandy Springs Road, Maryville TN 37803
Meeting schedule below.
Saint Paul's Lutheran Church
429 Sandy Springs Rd, Maryville TN 37803
2025 Meeting Dates -
(6:30 pm unless otherwise stated)
January 6
February 3
March 3, @ 6pm (annual Open House)
April 7
May 5
June - no meeting
July - no meeting
August 4
September 8 Picnic @ 6pm (Location TBD)
October 6
November 3
December 1 @ 6pm (Holiday party)
Members of the Blount County Arts and Crafts Guild in Maryville are now making plans to celebrate their 20th year of the Guild's Annual
Santa Mouse Arts & Crafts Show and Sale
December 4, 5, & 6, 2025
Location: Dotson Memorial Baptist Church,
814 Dotson Memorial Rd. Maryville TN
Only members of the Guild are eligible to be vendors in this show. All local crafters are eligible to join the Guild. Other membership restrictions may apply to participate in the Craft Show and details can be obtained by attending a member meeting.
Members in good standing who participate and attend at least 3 meetings per year may be eligible to participate in the craft show, as space allows. Only handcrafted items produced by the member are eligible to be offered in this sale.
Other requirements may be required - please attend a meeting to find out more.
CHECK our FACEBOOK page for more craft show info at:
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming meetings, events and to get a reminder notice for the Santa Mouse Christmas House Arts & Crafts Show and Sale - 2025. We will not share your email with anyone else.
Hours: Thursday and Friday 10am - 5pm. Saturday 10am - 3pm
Location: Dotson Memorial Baptist Church. 814 Dotson Memorial Rd. Maryville TN
Free Admission and Parking!
Our Show features the best of local arts and crafts from over 50 of the areas artisans who belong to the Blount County Arts and Crafts Guild.
This Show and Sale is one of the largest in our area. Find quality handcrafted items such as Basketry, Jewelry, Gourd Art, Paintings, Holiday Crafts and Ornaments, Woodworking, Glasswork, Knitted and Sewn items and much more.
Visit our Facebook page and "Friend" us for updates:
In year's past, the Guild has been instrumental in establishing the need for art instruction in area schools through it's art-in-Schools Program, professional artists were employed to provide for those schools which did not have art teachers. With the cooperation of Channel 2 TV, professional videotapes were produced in connection with the art residency programs. The program provided the impetus for hiring an art teacher in Blount County Schools. The remainder of the community contributions to the Guild's program, $1,000 was donated to this education effort.
Application for membership in
PO BOX 4514
Maryville TN 37801
NAME ____________________________________________________ DATE ______________
ADDITIONAL FAMILY MEMBER? ___________________________________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________
CITY _________________________________________STATE _________ ZIP _____________
PHONE (DAY) ___________________________
E-MAIL ______________________________________________________________________
(email required to receive Newsletter and Guild notifications)
YOUR PRIMARY ART OR CRAFT _________________________________________________
The Guild offers to members with dues current and attending at least three meetings during the year....
Guild meetings are held monthly (except June and July). September meeting is the Guild's annual picnic. December meeting is the Guild Member Christmas Party. All subject to change. Please check our schedule for times and dates. Meetings include various guest speakers, Guild news, events and member share of crafts.
Membership Coordinator: Joy Messner, Membership Chairman.
Contact phone: 314-374-0898 email:
BCACG-Membership-Application-2024 (pdf)
DownloadLooking for an art club or crafts in Maryville? Want to learn more about Blount County Arts and Crafts Guild and what we can do for you?
Have a question or comment? We are waiting to hear from you.
Please direct membership questions to
Joy Messner, Membership Chairman, phone 314-374-0898, email:
or feel free to attend a Guild Meeting.
No cost for visitors -- always welcome.
Maryville, Tennesse, United States